marakame musings.


marakame participates in “Emprende TU Mexico” conference

May 28, 2011 at 12:40 am | Blog | No comment


Lynne Bairstow, CEO of marakáme, will be a panelist in the event “Emprende TU Mexico” (“Innovate YOUR Mexico”), taking place in Punta Mita on Saturday, May 28.

Organized by Emprende Tu México and co-organized by Mexico’s Ministry of Finance, this event will bring some of the top players in social media and emerging technologies together to discuss solutions and best practices as they may be applied in Mexico via a series of panel discussions.

Mexico’s Secretary of Finance, Ernesto Cordero will personally host some of the panel discussions. This summit will specifically focus on uses/cases in Mexico in order to shape Mexican policy and raise awareness for the use of these tools for accountability/democracy.

The Panel Discussions will include:

  • Innovation and the use of technology as tools for development.
  • Innovation/Technology and Financial Inclusion.
  • Panel with venture capital firms/investors: Entrepreneurship, innovation and access to capital.
  • Designing the Future: Secretary Cordero and Jon Rubenstein.
  • Digital Solutions for Mexico-Using Tech and Social Media.

The event will be streamed live, via Internet, with companion feeds for Twitter and Facebook posts.

The Details:

Emprende TU México / (Innovate YOUR Mexico)

Saturday, May 28 · 10:00am – 6:30pm

St. Regis Resort Punta Mita


Twitter: @EmprendeTuMxico

Event email:





–      JON RUBENSTEIN(CEO of Palm and Senior Vice President Global Business Unit, HP and lead inventor of the Ipod)

–      KAREN RICHARDSON - (Silverlake Venture Capital and Former Chairwoman of the Board of Hi5 and former CEO of E-piphany)

–      JERRY KERN(President, Kern Consulting, Senior Advisor at Nomura Holdings. Former CEO of Playboy, On Command, Director at Liberty Media and TCI/AT&T, Móvil México)

–      GEORGE P. BUSH – (Barbara Bush Foundation for Literacy)

–      NIM PATEL – (President Mobile Accord/MGive)

–      IZZY ABBASS – (Móvil México)

–      TOM SERRES – (Founder & CEO, Pyrix)

–      LYNN HOFFMAN – (Director of Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc, and Private Investor)

–      LYNNE BAIRSTOW – (President, Marakáme Marketing, Former Vice President, Merrill Lynch)

–      MEAT LOAF – (Celebrity Guest Panelist)

–      GREG LEMOND(3-time Tour de France Winner)

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